
Any student, who, at the end of the semester, obtains final grades below 3.0 in 25% to 49% of the total number of academic units for which he is registered will a receive a warning from the Dean to improve his work.


Any student, who, at the end of the semester, obtains final grades below 3.0 in 50% to 75% of the total number of academic units for which he has final grades shall be placed on probation for the succeeding semester and his load shall be limited to 15 units only. Probation may be removed by passing with grades of 3.0 or better in 50% of the units in which he has final grades in the succeeding semester.


Any student, who, at the end of the semester, obtains final grades below 3.0 in more than 75% but less than 100% of the total number of academic units in which he receives final grades shall be dropped from the rolls of the college.

Any student on probation who again fails in 50% or more of the total number of units in which he receives final grades shall be dropped from the rolls of the college, subject to the provisions of the following article.

Any student dropped from one college shall not ordinarily be admitted to another unit of the University unless, in the opinion of the Director of Student Affairs, his natural aptitude and interest may qualify him in another field of study in which case he may be allowed to enroll in the proper college or department.

Permanent Disqualification

Any student who, at the end of the semester, obtains final grades below 3.0 in 100% of the academic unit in which he is given final grades shall be permanently barred from readmission to any college or school of the University.

Any student who was dropped in accordance with Item 3 above of the rules on Dismissal and again fails so that it becomes necessary to drop him again, shall not be eligible for readmission to any college of the University.

Permanent disqualification does not apply to cases where, on recommendations of the instructors concerned, the faculty certifies that the grade of 5.0 were due to the student’s unauthorized dropping of the subjects and not to poor scholarship.